Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Straight Razor Shaving - Learn How to Shave With a Straight Razor

!±8± Straight Razor Shaving - Learn How to Shave With a Straight Razor

For first-time and relatively new users of straight razors, learning how to shave with a cut-throat razor not only sounds daunting but is also the time when susceptibility to getting nicks, cuts and lots of skin irritation is at its highest.

Many new straight razor shavers are put off quite early in their "career" and the razors are often consigned to the drawer or put back up for sale on an auction site.

Realising that learning how to shave with a straight razor is not an overnight task is quite important, as with learning any new skill that involves a tool of some kind, it requires patience, dexterity and of course a well-honed and shave-ready razor to complete the job properly.

Without these things, anyone shaving with a straight razor will most likely end up getting a sub-par shave, and this straight razor shaving guide should help you get off to a better start next time you pick up your favourite badger brush, cream and straight razor and set off tackling your beard.

First and foremost, the sharpness of the razor is the most important thing. Contrary to popular belief, the sharper the razor is does not mean that you will end up getting more cuts when compared to using a dull razor.

When you use a blade with a less than perfect edge, the razor will snag to varying degrees on your beard, and this snagging if not controlled properly will almost certainly lead to nicks and cuts.

Inexperienced straight razor shavers usually put this down to their own poor technique rather than the razor.

Learning how to shave with a sharp straight razor is the first point of call, and if you do not know how to restore the edge yourself, you should seek advice from an experienced straight razor shaver who will put you in touch with a "honemeister", a term often used on forums to describe someone that is very capable of restoring the sharpness on the edge of a straight razor.

Assuming at this stage you have a straight razor with a great shaving edge, you now need to strop the edge of the blade. To do this you will of course need a strop, which is a double-sided strip of leather and canvas used to run the blade backwards and forwards in two strokes. One forwards and one back, each motion is referred to as a "lap".

As such you should lap your straight razor, 20 or 30 times on each side of the strop, starting on the canvas first, and then using the leather-faced side last of all.

Stropping is very important as this process restores the edge of the straight razor between shaves by removing the residue and polishing the minuscule teeth on the edge of the razor that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Learning a good stropping technique is important, as this will reward you with a great shave, meaning that you will have less skin irritation and virtually eliminate getting cuts or nicks.

The Straight Razor Shave

Start off with taking a regular shower to open the skin pores on your face, the more steam the better. Some straight razor shavers like to use some hair conditioner or a pre-shaving product during a shower to help ex-foliate the skin and soften the beard prior to shaving.

Once you have showered, run hot water into your bathroom sink and strop your razor, have a face towel or two to hand to clean up any spills during your shave, and remember to take your time during the first few months of shaving so that you can observe your technique and improve them during each future shave.

Shaving creams and soaps are vitally important to getting a good quality shave with a straight razor. Do not under any circumstances use a conventional shaving foam or gel that you would regularly use with a disposable or safety razor. These provide little to no skin protection when using a straight razor, and will make an even greater mess during and after the shave.

The shaving cream is designed to provide the skin with nourishment and act as a barrier between the straight razors edge and the skin/You will be surprised at how differently various shaving creams perform, smell, and have an effect on the skins appearance and feel when you have finished shaving.

The choice of shaving cream or soap that you use is a matter of personal preference, and there are literally hundreds to choose from. Using a good quality cream is highly recommended, and although highly subjective, to start using a shaving creams such as Musgo Real, Speick, Trumpers, Taylors, D.R. Harris and Crabtree Evelyn, you won't go far wrong.

As you progress with straight razor shaving, you will identify what shaving creams and soaps suit you best.

With your shaving brush to hand, soak the brush in hot water (not boiling), and gently shake out the excess water in the sink. Then add a spot of shaving cream to the brush, slightly smaller than a small marble, wet the face, and then slowly start scrubbing your face with the brush, applying a moderate amount of pressure using a circular motion in both directions until the face and neck area have a fairly consistent coating of shaving cream.

Refrain from adding too much water to the brush or face as you are lathering up, you can always add a spot more to encourage lathering if your brush is well-loaded with shaving cream. You will know if this is the case or not as the cream will feel thick as the brush is moved across the face.

Experiment with adding tiny amounts of water to the face once shaving cream has been applied until it feels right. Too much water will make the cream run thin, and not provide an effective barrier for your skin, and this will almost certainly lead to skin irritation. You can always add a touch more shaving cream to your brush and start over if this is the case.

Now that you are ready to shave, take your straight razor and pull the skin tight using your non-shaving hand, and start with a downward shaving pass on your face. Unlike using a conventional safety razor, you will soon learn that the best straight razor shaves come from using skin pulling techniques that you will learn as you go.

The skin should always be tightened by your fingers or hand during each stroke with a straight razor. Shaving on slack skin will only result in snagging and cuts, so you will need to start getting used to using your other hand to help tighten the skin.

The straight razor should be held at approximately 30 degrees to the face, perhaps slightly shallower. Higher degrees of cutting will again result in poor cutting results and possible cuts, so use your eyes as the razor moves during each stroke and maintain the correct cutting angle.

During your first few shaves with a straight razor, remember that you do not have to complete the whole shave using the straight. You are not obliged to complete the whole shave during the first stages of the learning process, and it is no disgrace to pick up a disposable to finish off small areas that you may have missed.

This will not only save you a great deal of frustration trying to reach seemingly inaccessible areas, it will also greatly reduce your chances of getting a nick. Patience is the key.

Once you have completed your first downward pass, you may want to try an upward pass to get a very close shave.

Splash off the remaining cream from your face with some water and re-apply your shaving cream, using a lighter pressure with the shaving brush. Use a circular motion once again until the face and neck area have a good coating of shaving cream, soak and wipe the razor with a piece of kitchen towel, or an old flannel taking great care not to touch the edge of the razor and you are now ready to start the second, upward pass.

Using the same techniques in the reverse direction, pulling the skin on the neck downwards with one hand, using a 30 degree angle, start the upward strokes, gently and with consistent pressure until the neck area is done. Then pull the skin downwards from the lower chin area and work your way over the jawbone onto the cheeks.

At this stage you should now start pulling the skin upwards on the cheek area and maintain the strokes with your straight razor until the cheeks are done.

Shaving with an upward stroke on the moustache and chin areas is something that many straight razor shavers do, though it is recommended that you should only start doing this if you really need to, and only once you have become confident in using the straight razor.

When you have finished both passes on your skin, clean your razor by running some cold water on the blade and using a kitchen towel to remove all moisture from the razor. You can pick the razor up and blow any excess water through the gap in the scales as well.

This will prevent any water from dripping down into the gaps where the pins and washers meet the blade which is where the majority of rust spots start on a razor if it is poorly maintained.

Open the blade and place it on a towel somewhere to allow it to dry out for 10-15 minutes.

Prior to storing the razor, you may add a tiny spot of mineral oil to the blade and rub it in gently using a dry piece of kitchen towel or cloth.

After the shave you will want to relieve the skin after it has been ex-foliated by the straight razor.

Like shaving creams, there are just as many choices when it comes to shaving balms and aftershaves, and for new straight razor users, try using types that contain no alcohol and have skin-nourishing ingredients in them.

I will explain the various merits of shaving creams, soaps, balms and aftershaves in future articles.

If you obtain any nicks or cuts during the course of the straight razor shave, put down the razor, clean the nicked area with a little water, and apply gently pressure with the styptic pencil directly on the cut. There will be a stinging sensation that will pass very quickly, and after a few moments the cut will stop bleeding allowing you to complete the rest of your shave.

Straight Razor Shaving - Learn How to Shave With a Straight Razor

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Razor - learning to shave with a razor

!±8± Razor - learning to shave with a razor

For the first and relatively new users of razors, shaving with a razor to learn to not only sounds scary, but the time always prone to nicks, cuts and irritation of the skin is much higher.

Many new shaving razors are prepared very early in their "career" and the razor blades are often consigned to the drawer or refurbished for sale on an auction site.

Recognize that learning to shave with a razor is not aTask during the night is very important because with learning a new skill, which is a tool of some kind, is patience, skill and, of course, requires a well-honed razor and shave ready to complete the job properly.

Without these things every shave with a razor will probably end up being a sub-par shaving, razor and shaving guide can help you better start next time you pick up the brush preferred rate, the cream and razors and CompensationFight your beard.

First of all is the sharpness of the knife is very important. Contrary to popular belief, the sharper the razor does not mean that you end up with more cuts, when compared with sharp razor blades.

If you use a blade with less than perfect edge, the razor in various degrees and 'caught shaving, trimming, and when not adequately controlled almost certainly lead to cuts.

Razor Razor usually inexperiencedThese in themselves poor technique rather than the razor.

Learning to shave with a sharp razor is the first point, and if you do not know how to restore the very edge, you should seek the advice of a razor shaving experience, you will be put in contact with a "honemeister", a term that is often used in forums to describe someone who is much to restore the sharpness of the edge of a razor.

Provided you have a scale at this timeRazor shaving by a wide margin, you now need to strop the edge of the leaf. Obviously you need a strop, which uses a double-sided strips of leather and canvas, the blade is running back and forth in two shots. One forward and one step back, each movement is named as a "roundabout".

As such, you should consult the razor around, 20 or 30 times on each side of the strop, from the first canvas, and then more recently with the skin part.

Stripping is veryimportant since this process again shaved the razor edge between the residue and the polishing of small teeth on the edge of the razor, which can not be seen with the naked eye.

Learning good technique traction is important because this award by a hair, which means they have less irritation and virtually eliminate the cuts to obtain or nick.

The Razor Shave

Start with the regular use of the shower to open pores of the skinHis face is, the more the better steam. Some like to use some hair shaving razor or a pre-shave product during a shower to ex-foliate your skin and soften the beard before shaving.

After taking a hot water shower in the bathroom sink and run the razor strop, have shaved a towel or two to clean your hands paid, and you, and do not forget to take your time during the first months of shaving, in how can their technology to monitor and improvedefiance of any future.

Shaving creams and soaps are essential to achieve a good quality shaving with a razor. Not in any case with a conventional shaving cream or gel that you regularly use a disposable razor or safety. They offer little or no skin protection when using a razor, and is even more confusion during and after shaving to do.

The shaving cream is designed to provide your skin with nutrients and act as a barrierbetween the edge razor and your skin / You'll be surprised how different shaving, smell, be surprised, and have an effect on the skin look and feel when you have finished shaving.

The choice of shaving cream or soap you use is a matter of personal preference, and there are literally hundreds to choose from. With a good cream is highly recommended, and very subjective to begin as a shaving cream Musgo Real Speick,Trumper, Taylor, DR Harris and Crabtree Evelyn, do not go far wrong.

As we proceed with the beard razor, you will realize that shaving creams and soaps that suits you best.

Using your shaving brush in hand, dip the brush in hot water (not boiling) water, and shake off excess water in the sink. Then add a point of shaving cream on the brush, something less than a small marble, stained faces, and then slowly begins to rub the face with a brush, apply a moderateAmount of pressure in a circular motion in both directions have to face and neck, a relatively uniform coating of shaving cream.

Do not add too much water on the brush or on the face, as you are soaping, you can always add another number to encourage, soaping, if the brush well loaded with shaving cream. You will know if this is the case or not, as the cream is often heard as the brush moves across the face.

Experiment with the addition of small amounts of waterFacial shaving cream was applied once, until it feels good. Too much water will run thin cream, and not an effective barrier to the skin, and almost certainly lead to skin irritation. You can always start more than a shaving cream brush and touch several times if this is the case.

Now that you shave ready to take the razor and pull the skin taut with your hand, not shaving, and start with a leveling in the lower right side of your face. Unlike aTraditional shaving is, you soon learn that the best razor shaved skin using pull techniques that you learn as you go will be.

The skin should always be tightened with the fingers or hand during each stroke with a razor. Shaving will only lead to sagging skin in the trimming and cutting, so you have to start using with your other hand to tighten the skin.

The razor should be about 30 degrees to the face are required,maybe a little 'flat. A higher incidence of cuts will result in poor cutting results and cuts possible, use your eyes as the razor goes with every stroke and maintain the correct cutting angle.

During the first few shaves with a razor, remember that you are on the whole his beard. You are not obliged to complete a full beard in the early stages of the learning process, and there is no shame to get a one-way till the endoutside the small areas that could be lost.

This not only saves you a lot of frustration trying to reach seemingly inaccessible areas, will also greatly reduce the chances of getting a nick. Patience is the key.

Once you compile the first paper down, you can try switching to a great shave.

Splash the remaining cream on your face with some water and again apply the shaving cream, with a lower pressure with the shaving brush.Use a circular motion to face and neck again, a good coating of shaving cream, fun and then clean the razor with a piece of paper towel or cloth under the old maximum care not to touch the edge of the razor and you are ready the second start, going up.

With the same procedure in reverse, pulling the skin along the neck with one hand, with an angle of 30 degrees to start the upward motion, gently and with steady pressure to the neckArea is done. Then pull the skin downward from the lower chin area and work your way through the bone of the jaw on the cheek.

At this point you should start to pull the skin up to the cheek area and keep pace with the razor, until the cheeks are ready.

Shaving with an upward movement of the mustache and the chin is something that many do razors, shaving, although it is recommended that you should only do so if you really need, and only onceYou have to do with the razor.

If you have completed both passes on the skin, clean the razor with the addition of a little cold water on the blade and with a kitchen towel to remove all traces of moisture from the shaver. You can select the blade of a razor and blow off excess water through the gap in the balance as well.

This is not the water drips down into the cracks where the bolts and washers to meet the blade, where most of the rust spots on a razor blade to start is to prevent, ifpoor maintenance.

Open the blade and placed on a towel somewhere to dry for 10-15 minutes.

Before storing the razor blade, you can use a small patch of oil to the blade and rub gently with a paper towel or dry cloth.

After shaving, you want to soothe the skin, after ex-laminated with a razor.

Like shaving cream, there are many choices when it comes to shaving and aftershave balms, and newRazor-users, try it with guys that do not contain alcohol and skin care ingredients in them.

Let me explain the merits of various shaving creams, soaps, creams and aftershave in future articles.

If you get a nick or cuts while shaving razor, put the razor to clean the grooves with a little water, and apply gentle pressure with the styptic pencil directly on the cut. It is a burning sensation that will end very quickly,and after a few moments, the cut stops the bleeding when you shave the rest of your order.

Razor - learning to shave with a razor

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